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The Enneagram is a Tool:
Socrate's words "Know Thyself" has extended wisdom to modern times, letting us know that to understand anything else in the world, we must first understand and know ourselves. The Enneagram is an ancient mathematical symbol that has been used throughout history to study universal patterns found in nature; one of the patterns that was discovered was of the Human Personality. The Human Personality consists of 9 distinct types that have their own specific patterned way of thinking, feeling and being in the body. What is fascinating about the Enneagram is that it suspends time, culture and gender; meaning you can take a Caucasian, 50-year old male from the U.S who has the same Personality Type as an Asian, 30-year old female in Korea and they will display a similar patterned way of being. The Enneagram has hacked how the Human Being functions on the inside.
The Enneagram of Personality provides accurate descriptions in which the person is able to see themselves like never before. The Enneagram is a map to understand the inner self and the "whys" behind your behaviors. Most personality assessments point to your behaviors and "what you do" which is helpful in making short term changes. However, the Enneagram focuses on showing you your personality's hidden motivations that are at the core of "why you do what you do". By understanding your CORE motivations and their correlating behaviors, you are able to observe yourself when you have fallen again into the trap of your automatic personality pattern. The growth happens when you practice taking enough pause between stimulus and your response so that you can choose something different for yourself, thus creating lasting change in your life. I've heard Oprah say "When you know better, you do better". The Enneagram is the map that shows you how to get there.
What is your Enneagram Type?
Your Enneagram type is a specific lens or filter in which you process and experience the world. Although we have all 9 types within ourselves, each person has one single dominant type that we lead from and that does not change within our lifetime. Along with your attachment patterns with one or both parental figures, cultural and environmental conditioning, and significant events and traumas that have happened in your life, your Enneagram Type is a major component that shapes how you interact with the world through patterns of thought, emotions and of the body.
Why does knowing your Type matter?
Although hard to admit, we are reacting most of time because our dominant type pattern is automatically playing out unless we intentionally do something to stop it in its tracks. But how can we stop a behavior we are not conscious of? By knowing and learning about your type and its specific set of automatic patterns ingrained in you, you have the ability to recognize when you are reacting instead of choosing a response. Your type has helped you to survive, and many times have helped you to thrive. But consider this, the very same quality that got you that promotion at work may have caused the demise of your marriage which in the perspective of your whole life may be more costly to your well-being. Anything over-done can cause harm to us in detrimental ways in all areas of our life; including family, friends and in our work. The Enneagram is not about what is wrong with you, it is about allowing you to become aware of the patterns that have been over-working in you to cause you harm, in ways you are not even aware of. By becoming aware of your Type pattern, you can align your actions with what truly matters to you most.
Another important value of knowing what Type you are is because what is medicine for one Type is poison for another; in other words there isn't a one size fits all in terms of growth path. When working with a Type 7, who normally gravitates toward positivity and in turn runs from pain, when faced with a painful situation, would be coached to lean into the pain and use the opportunity for a rare chance of incredible growth. When a Type 4, who naturally is inclined to gravitate toward painful emotions, when pressed with a painful situation may actually be advised to inject a few hours of incredible fun or lightheartedness. In this way, the Enneagram shows how all the qualities of the Type are precious and not good or bad in of itself. Its the too-much of one or too-little of another that causes harm. So the ultimate goal is not about staying in your Type pattern, but being able to experience all of the types in ourselves as we need them.
Can the Enneagram be used with other tools?
The Enneagram is not in competition with other tools, but works complimentary with other assessment tools such as Myers Briggs, Strengths Finder, and etc. In similar ways, the Enneagram works complimentary with all religions & spiritual practices as well with all different cultures and psychological knowledge making it a key tool in the tool box for Spiritual Directors, Leaders, Psychotherapists, Executive Coaches, Teachers, and Parents.
If you would like to learn more about the Enneagram and your personality type pattern, book an Enneagram Assessment session today!
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